This game is awful
This app used to be fun. I can remember playing it for hours on end a few years back. I know for a fact that I have spent a lot of money on this and the other voltage inc apps, and I used to just gush about these stories.
I recently was feeling nostalgic and decided to download this app and a few other voltage inc apps to play the stories I had purchased again.
Long story short, when I downloaded it nothing would open and it crashed often. It didnt even let me play one of the story lines that I had and refused to open at all. Its sad that Voltage inc let these older apps go, especially because those of us who have spent (wasted) money on them wont be able to play them anymore.
To conclude, this app is a waste of your time if you have higher than iOS8. It will do nothing but crash. Its not worth your time or money.
-_- no one reads these about
Pirates In Love, v5.2